Wednesday, July 31, 2019

Opinion essay †video games Essay

Video games are usually considered an excellent electronic with the mainly purpose to propose entertainment. For different kinds of persons, from children that probably have more time to play it, until adults who usually have fun after their work. Technological advances in video gaming software have created a rapid evolution from 1970’s arcade game technology to today’s role playing games, featuring an almost life-like level of realism, which mirrors the natural world in all of aspects, sometimes showing some graphic violence. With critical unproven scientific really, there are criticisms from the media that directly reflect the thinking of the parents of many children who play video games, one of the entities that can change this is the industry of video games censored you need to start acting. According to Entertainment Software Association (ESA), there is a thought about censoring videogames: â€Å"Blaming video games for violence in the real world is no more productive than blaming the news media for bringing crimes of violence into our homes night after night. † The news media usually controls what most of people will think about new video games but most of times they have bad things to show like violence, drugs and sex in live for everyone. They don’t reveal that violent crime, particularly among the young, has decreased dramatically since the early 1990s. During the same period of time, video games have steadily increased in popularity and use, exactly the opposite of what one would expect if there were a causal link. Some researchers are always trying to prove that players of violent games may be influenced by bad behavior and, implicitly, will apply who watched the game in real life. According to Ferguson, Christopher J. and John Kimburn: â€Å"This analysis does not find support for either a causal or correlational link between violent media and subsequent aggression in viewers. Why the belief of media violence effects persists despite inherent weaknesses of researches somewhat of an open question. † This shows how most of the time the researchers are misguided. Another prove of how these researches are misguided can be clarified in what Salonius-Pasternak, Dorothy E. and Holly S. Gelfond has to say: â€Å"Most research on electronic play has focused on its possible negative effects for children and adolescents, and contextual factors such as socioeconomic status and culture are rarely considered†¦. The study explains how electronic games may also have potential benefits for young players that include providing children with the opportunity to negotiate society’s rules and roles, allowing children to experiment with aggression in a safe setting without real world consequences, and facilitating children’s development of self-regulation arousal. † Another interesting point that no one knew is that usually the parents are present when games are purchased or rented 93 percent of the time. Ratings and parental controls already help parents make appropriate entertainment choices for their families. Just as with other types of entertainment, there is a wide variety of content available in computer and video games to suit the wide variety of individuals who play games. The industry has also voluntarily established numerous tools and policies to help parents make educated choices and ensure that retailers only sell games to those whose age is appropriate for the game in question. Computer and video games are rated by the Entertainment Software Rating Board (ESRB), whose system includes age recommendations and content descriptors. In addition, a June 2012 study conducted by Peter D. Hart Research Associates found: 85 percent of parents with children who play video games are aware of the ESRB ratings; 70 percent of parents regularly check a game’s rating before making a purchase; and 88 percent of parents feel the ESRB rating system is either â€Å"very helpful† or â€Å"somewhat helpful. † All new video game consoles include parental controls that limit a child’s access to games based on their ESRB ratings. According to a 2013 study, 86 percent of parents believe parental controls are useful. Parents impose time usage limits on video games more than any other form of entertainment: 79 percent of parents place time limits on video game playing; 78 percent of parents place time limits on Internet usage; 72 percent of parents place time limits on television viewing; 69 percent of parents place time limits on movie viewing. Therefore, before video games children have been playing violent themed games in the streets and will continue to do so well into the future. As you can clearly see I am against censoring video games, I think that if someone is going to get influenced to do something violent because of a game, then there must have been some underlying issue that the person had before playing a violent game. As the generation that grew up on modern videogames becomes parents themselves, attitudes will change and conservative hysteria will hopefully be relegated to amusing background noise. However, the videogame industry must become active in protecting its own collective interests to mitigate any damage that could occur before attitudes calcify. Media outreach, governmental relations, symposiums, and other visible efforts to educate the public are critical at this unique juncture in the videogame industry’s development. This will drive a wedge between reasonable parents and hysterical censors. If the videogame industry speaks for parents along with children, and is perceived as their ally, the elements of censorship will be left with no support. Works Cited Ferguson, Christopher J. and John Kimburn. â€Å"The Public Health Risks of Media Violence: A Meta-Analytic Review. † Journal of Pediatrics 154 (2009): 759-763. Web. 10 Aug. 2011. Grimes, Thomas, James A. Anderson and Lori Bergen. Media violence and aggression: Science and Ideology. Thousand Oaks: Sage Publications, Inc. , 2008. Print. Salonius-Pasternak, Dorothy E. and Holly S. Gelfond. â€Å"The Next Level of Research on Electronic Play: Potential Benefits and Contextual Influences for Children and Adolescents. † Human Technology 1. 1 (2005): 5-22 â€Å"Essential facts about games and violence. † Entertainment Software Association. Inc. , 2012. Lawrence G. Walters/ Weston, Garrou, DeWitt & Walters. â€Å"Sex, Lies and Videogames. † 2016. .

Tuesday, July 30, 2019

Help Improve Own and Team Practices in Schools

3. 4 It is essential that we respect the skills and expertise of other practitioners we work alongside. To work as a team we need to listen to others and take on board what they are saying. As someone new to the role we can learn a lot from our more experienced colleagues. To have a good relationship with other colleagues we need to show them that we respect their views, knowledge and opinions. In my short time at Holy Spirit I already feel that I have learnt a great amount from the other staff, particularly the support staff.This knowledge is vital and invaluable and will stay with me throughout my career. When working as team it is important that we communicate effectively with others. If we do not respect the skills and expertise of others it will cause resentment which can lead to problems with communication within the team. If we value the skills and expertise of others we may find that we are then invited to give advice and suggestions ourselves.By pooling our skills and knowle dge we are more likely to be successful in achieving the aims of the team. We can add to our own skills and expertise if we take time out to watch others practitioners. Changes occur regularly so there is always the opportunity to find out from others about new initiatives and ideas. In time others may come to us for advice and help because of the skills and expertise we have gained from others guidance.

Through the Lens Essay

Does a Picture Really Tell A Thousand Words? According to John Berger, photographs from August 6th, 1945, are â€Å"images of hell. † (316) That was the day the US dropped an atomic bomb on Japan, killing countless innocent civilians and severely burning others. In his essay, â€Å"Hiroshima,† Berger faces the idea that our culture has â€Å"abandoned† the â€Å"concept of evil. † (320) Countless pictures seem to be the only thing left of that day, and from Berger’s perspective, the true meaning of that event has been hidden, even though the facts are still in textbooks.The concept of horrific pictures being taken plays an important role in Berger’s thoughts about Hiroshima, because those pictures are what initially sparked his interest. However, the idea of sharing of graphing pictures is called into question by Susan Sontag in her essay, â€Å"Regarding the Pain of Others,† who points out that war photography should have some form of censorship because of the effect it may have on victims or families who have lost their loved ones. While Berger doesn’t seem to promote graphic photography, it seems that from is point of view, pictures such as these make a reality of what otherwise might just become another page in our history books. â€Å"These paintings [by survivors] were shown on Japanese television. Is it conceivable that the BBC would show these pictures on Channel One at a peak hour? † (319) He makes a strong point that American television would never show those pictures without â€Å" reference to ‘political’ and ‘military’ realities† (319) because it was our country that caused such destruction. Sontag almost reinforces this idea by saying that â€Å"the camera brings the viewer close, too close,† (259) but at the ame time contradicts it by implying that war pictures sometimes provide inaccurate information because of new age technology. Cameras and c omputers today have the ability to enhance the main focus, what the photographer wants you to look at, and blur out other details which may change a picture completely. â€Å"The real thing may not be fearsome enough, and therefore needs to be enhanced; or reenacted more convincingly. † (259) This brings out a good point, although cameras used in 1945 wouldn’t have that kind of technology, but they can still be edited today.That being said, a picture can be inaccurate in more ways than one. While the Hiroshima pictures are heartbreaking to look at, Berger fails to address the fact that not all war pictures tell the full story, along with what may have happened before and after the picture was taken, and some may be taken completely out of context. Sontag brings in this idea by talking about a famous picture of a South Vietnamese General shooting a Vietcong suspect, which turned out to be staged. This idea calls Berger’s argument into question, because it is unkn own which pictures are â€Å"real† and which are mainly for ublicity purposes. We don’t know what happened before, after, or even what’s going on outside the frame on a picture just by looking at it. Only the photographer and the people present at that moment know the whole truth. Although Sontag brings in some point that were missed by Berger, Sontag reinforces Berger’s speculation that US television and newspapers only show what the government wants the public to see, and nothing more. She adds that the military promoted â€Å"images that illustrated America’s absolute military superiority over its enemy. † (260) in the Gulf War in 1991.This idea really brings the true motives of our nation out, which is really what Berger’s entire argument is based off of. He tries to make the US look like bullies, killing innocent people to scare their government so that we look like a strong country that defeats the bad guys and protects its citi zens. â€Å"It was not a miscalculation, an error, or the result of a situation deteriorating so rapidly that it gets out of hand. † (319) This quote proves that, from Berger’s perspective, the US purposely caused such an event, which was preplanned , not a defense mechanism.While Sontag doesn’t specify an opinion about why the US only shows pictures that make ourgovernment look good, she does mention that â€Å"the use of cameras at the front for nonmilitary purposes have become much stricter as war has become an activity prosecuted with increasingly exact optical devices for tracking the enemy. † (260) This would explain why we don’t see many pictures of the war going on right now, even though it’s been going on for many years already. Berger aims his focus on Hiroshima alone, while Sontag looks at the big picture of war photography in itself.Sontag would assumingly agree with Berger about the issue of Hiroshima, how horrifying it was and how those pictures play such a big role. At the same time, I think this would further promote her idea that war photography is sometimes too harsh, even though without seeing those pictures, one might not be able to imagine such horror. However, Sontag might not agree with Berger when he says â€Å"the memory of these events should be continually before our eyes. † (320) A lot of pictures should be continually before our eyes, and unfortunately Hiroshima is only an example of events hat would be forgotten without visual aids to remind us. He himself is an example, not interested in the book on his desk until he opened it and was reminded of such an event. But like Sontag says, â€Å"to display the dead, after all, is what the enemy does. † (259) In many third world countries, people see death and sickness all the time. Civilians in places like Iraq and Afghanistan probably see death more than anyone, and we, the enemy, are the ones showing it to them. For us, war pictu res hit too close to home, especially for amilies that have loved ones overseas fighting for our country, but what about people that have to witness it firsthand? They don’t always have a choice. Berger, who is British, calls his friend from America, the one he talks about in the beginning, â€Å"innocent,† saying that she looks at a â€Å"nuclear holocaust without considering its reality. † (321) But in a way, many Americans do that. We could â€Å"google† many kinds of pictures, graphic or not, whenever we feel like it, but do we really think about what it would be like to be there?This is the problem with Sontag’s idea about war photos not being shown; without them, many Americans would probably be even more naive than they already are. If I told you a bomb was dropped on Japan and many people were killed and burned, you would probably feel sympathy, but you would probably go on with your day, as would a lot of people. But seeing pictures, child ren burned, dead bodies, that would make it more real, and that’s why Berger says we should constantly see things like that. Unfortunately, that can’t be publicly shown, especially on television, where verything has to be â€Å"family oriented. † There’s a downside to both arguments: we can’t constantly be reminded of such horrible things like Hiroshima, but we also can’t be completely out of the loop. War photography is a controversial topic, but it’s one that will most likely always be part of life. As long as there’s wars, there will be people trying to expose the events and realities of it. Works Cited Berger, John â€Å"Hiroshima† Fields of Reading, 2010, Bedford/ St. Martin’s Sontag, Susan â€Å"Regarding the Pain of Others† Fields of Reading, 2010, Bedford/ St. Martin’s

Monday, July 29, 2019

Cottage Cheese Experiment Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Cottage Cheese Experiment - Essay Example In the experiment, plate counts were used instead of direct microscopic counts or turbidity measurements because of the obvious advantages of the first method. Although plate counts can be tedious and time-consuming, this method is â€Å"relatively easy to perform† and it is â€Å"much more sensitive than turbidimetric measurement† (Brodhagen, 2007). This means that with plate counts, a relatively more accurate bacterial count can be obtained compared to obtaining turbidity measurements. The only disadvantages with plate counts, however, include the lengthy incubation period required for the colonies to grow and become visible, and the possibility of crowding of colonies which will most likely require serial dilution (Abedon, 2003). Nevertheless, these disadvantages do not compare to those of direct microscopic counts and turbidity measurements. In direct microscopic counts, the number of living cells cannot be distinguished from the dead cells, which may be included in the count (Brodhagen, 2007). In the same way, turbidity measurements may not fare well in the bacterial count as clumps of cottage cheese may not be distinguishable from the mass of cells that is expected to block of intercept light (Brodhagen, 2007). These two methods – direct microscopic count and turbidity measurement – are actually less time-consuming than plate counts, but the disadvantages simply outweigh this advantage. The goal of the cottage cheese experiment after all is accuracy and not speed. When it comes to the difference between the control cottage cheese and the experiment cottage cheese, the difference cannot be exactly determined due to insufficiency of data. Basically we need more information on the consistency or lumpiness of the cheeses, their gross appearance after the experiment and perhaps differences in texture, temperature and other aspects. The most obvious difference is that control cheese has no preservative added but experimental cheese has. It then follows that if this is the only difference between the two, then this is a fair test.   Besides, both cheeses have been subjected to the same variables – the same temperature and incubation period lengths, and assuming the same mode of preparation.

Sunday, July 28, 2019

One important way monopolistically competitors differentiate their Essay

One important way monopolistically competitors differentiate their products is by location - Essay Example One such strategy involves locating shopping areas, influenced by vacation trends of consumers. Such retailers establish shopping areas either at central areas of consumer’s trip or in vacation destinations. This locational strategy has been successful to the retailers. In the short term, retailers have increased sales during the vacation times. This is because consumers who have made vacation trips prefer doing their shopping at central points of their trip (Campbell 8). On the other hand, considering a long-term strategy, particularly when several factory retail outlets cluster together in an area, they become an attraction to shoppers. Such clusters are popular since this form of vacation retail is enjoyable to the consumers. It can be because many consumers usually treat themselves with shopping when travelling than when at home. Another retail strategy based on location involves the providence of convenience to consumers. This is in particular to urban centers where shopping is an activity to compete with other activities. As such, there is the need to save on time by the consumers (Campbell 9). Retail areas close in terms of location often have those goods in high demand such as liquor or video stores. However, also based on convenience, for other exotic goods, consumers prefer areas with clusters of stores. Such areas thus have high traffic flow in terms of consumers. In the short term, this strategy of situating shopping areas in the most convenient areas beams of success because consumers want value for their time and it enables them to shop for related items in the same area. This strategy will succeed in the long term. This can be related to the convenience created by clusters of shopping stores in various areas. Consumers prefer such areas since they will get goods they need all in one trip. It also helps to avoid the hustle of comparing goods for infrequent but costly

Saturday, July 27, 2019

Political Science Major Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Political Science Major - Research Paper Example The New York Times, in an effort to bring a balance to this debate, allowed an exchange of ideas regarding the topic â€Å"Do Police Use Deadly Force Too Often†. I have chosen to use the same topic as the thesis statement for this essay since this is a timely and quite controversial topic that does not seem to have an accurate response in sight. It is my personal opinion that the police have not been using excessive force when dealing with dangerous situations. I will be presenting my supporting opinion in the latter part of this essay. In the meantime, I will be presenting both sides of the issue and hopefully, end up offering some knowledge and considerations to the reader that have not been a part of their consideration of the topic before. Seth Stoughton,a professor from the University of South Carolina School of Law has had the privilege of being both a police officer and a state investigator. He shared his opinion with the New York Times regarding the debate about use of excessive force. It was his opinion that the wrong question is being asked in the debate. Rather than having a public that asks if the shooting was justified, the public should instead be asking if the shooting could have been avoided (Stoughton, Seth â€Å"Police Shouldnt Ask If a Shooting is Justified, But if its Avoidable†). Stoughton spoke from a unique perspective. Having had the experience of a police officer and state investigator, he has found himself in the same situation as the officers accused of using excessive force. The opinion he raised was based upon his personal experience and first hand knowledge of the common scenarios that the police are called upon to respond to. He knew that police officers face extreme circumstances eve ryday. It was his opinion that the use of extreme force cannot be avoided, but it can be limited. Stoughton explains: The tragic shooting of Tamir Rice last November puts the difference between â€Å"justified† and â€Å"avoidable† in stark

Friday, July 26, 2019

CaseStudy Case Study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

CaseStudy - Case Study Example The firm is not upgrading its technology soon enough because it is lacking managers that have both business and IT knowledge. The company is heading towards loss of business in future because business and IT departments are both blaming each other. No one is ready to accept responsibility of the problem. First recommendation is to assign a liaison officer between business and IT departments. His job would be to make sure that both departments are on the same page and he would help in facilitating communication between the two departments. The liaison officer should also have an IT and business background. Second recommendation is to set specific goals and objectives for both departments. It is essential that both departments are made responsible for their actions and this will help improve their performance. Both departments are currently blaming each other for their own shortcomings and this will be avoided by setting specific goals for each of them. The goals set should also be measurable so that blame game within the organization is

Thursday, July 25, 2019

International Business Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

International Business - Assignment Example Wal-Mart is the leading entity in retail business globally. It commenced operations in mid-1950s in Arkansas. Later, the entity expanded on a national level then on a global level. The entity seeks to offer the lowest prices in the market. Consequently, the entity attracts enormous clientele. The attractive pricing offered by this entity has priced out the other competitors since the clientele seek to maximise their purchasing power. Wal-Mart’s enormous revenues and stringent cost management have allowed the entity to avail their merchandise at reduced prices. The entity has presence in most regions globally. Nonetheless, the entity has not taped into the Middle East market. The entry of Wal-Mart into this market will alter the dynamics of the retail sector. Wal-Mart’s entry into the UAE market will require proper strategizing. Such strategizing is imperative for a venture of this magnitude. Ill-advised ventures primarily culminate in failure and losses. It is crucial t o make decisions pertaining to ventures on credible information to avoid such a scenario. My knowledge on the dynamics of the UAE economy will assist me in advising Wal-Mart management appropriately. Additionally, the location of retail store will have a considerable implication on the revenues of the entity.rt. Consequently, I will provide the management of Wal-Mart with strategic locations that will enable the entity attract enormous clientele. The above details elaborate some of my roles in the matching and networking of Wal-Mart. Objective of joint venture or strategic alliance Joint ventures denote a business founded on an accord between various individuals. The accord elaborates the input of each party in the venture (Gutterman, 2002). The accord elaborates how long the agreement binds the parties. In this scenario, Wal-Mart will require information on the market and store. As a party in the joint venture, I will provide stores located strategically across UAE. A strategic all iance is cooperation that aims at accomplishing specific objectives. An example of a strategic alliance is the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) where the parties involved aimed at securing their nations against military adversaries. In the above case, Wal-Mart aims to boost its revenues via expansion into new market. Similarly, I aim at boosting my income by renting my store to a client that will offer better returns (Frank, 2006). Scope of business This joint venture relates to the retail industry. The prospects of the industry are enormous. The UAE population has generally high income. Consequently, the citizenry have substantial income that they can expend. Conclusively, the market in this nation has immense potential that is unexploited. Additionally, UAE’s retail market lacks a dominant entity. As such, the market is distributed equally among the key players in the sector. This signifies that Wal-Mart can enter the market and attain dominance. Wal-Mart can domin ate retailing since it offers lower prices. Reduced pricing is an aspect of the firm that

Wednesday, July 24, 2019

Tim Burton and art Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words

Tim Burton and art - Research Paper Example Tim Burton’s controversial pieces in a myriad of forms of art add flair to the debatable position that the art culture continually gets attached to. It can thereby be correctly stated that making a contribution to the industry in the manner in which Tim Burton does is a unique package that any other industry would warmly welcome. In this discourse, a view of the career that Tim Burton has had in art industry is made in order to highlight the importance that individual artists uniquely add to the entire culture. The uniqueness of this artist is particularly given the center-stage in a number of reviews for four different art pieces. Perhaps one striking contrast in the personality of this artist in the discussion is the current profession, though still in art, which is a complete shift from his earlier forms of art works. An introduction to the artist’s cultural environment during his career and his profile enable a critical analysis on his works which ends in a conclusion on the general contribution to American culture in the tail end of the discourse. Artists’ style of work is largely influenced by the prevailing environment due to the close relationship that art and culture or social surrounding of a people. It therefor implies that something can be picked from an artist’s work to depict the form of influential waves prevailing in form of culture that the people in the artist’s community had. Tim Burton’s career commenced in the early 1980’s during which fine art experienced many changes. Tim Burton was brought up at a time when the movie industry was hitting the market and he particularly had a taste for film works. Interestingly revelations on his early life confirm his liking for films where he made the influence contributed to his spirited input in making his first film in 1971 when only 13 years of age. Film making industry influence assisted in bringing out the artist skills in the artist by triggering interest in film

Research &Evaluation of a service Initiative Essay

Research &Evaluation of a service Initiative - Essay Example en has become a serious concern and needs to be studied at primary healthcare setting, using wider platform of service initiatives (O’Hara et al., 1984; Whitton, Warner & Appleby, 1996). The study would be making efforts to identify the needs of the mothers and critically evaluate the support and proactive participation of peer support groups for women with PND in St. Albans. I am a student healthcare visitors and the student would greatly facilitate in exploring the various facets of timely interventions to reduce pnd. There is considerable evidence to show that PND has a substantial impact on the mother, her partner and baby (Linnet et al, 2003; Brown, Bacigalupo, 2006; Hall & Elliman, 2008). Evidence suggests that mothers’ psychosocial and mental health can have a significant effect on the mother and baby relationship and that PND can result in both emotional and cognitive disorders in the infant (Bee & Boyd, 2008; Stein et al.,1991; Murray & Cooper, 1991). All of which have significant health impacts on individuals and society, signifying a major public health issue (Hearn et al., 1998; Briscoe, 1986). Motherhood is one of the most important and challenging role of women. It becomes a lifelong learning process and is hugely facilitated by emotional support of the family (Scrandis, 2005). But often, the changing role of single women into mother is accompanied by socio psychological adjustments which are hugely facilitated by the husband, support family and peer groups (Rodrigues et al., 2000; Oats et al., 2004). The social expectations become highly stressful because of the various factors like lack of knowledge, conflicting views and differences about childcare between the expectant mothers and peer group. Very often this adversely impacts the self confidence and promotes doubts about one’s competency level of being a good mother thereby creating stress and pnd amongst the women (Dressel & Clark, 1990; Beck, 2002). Thus, encouraging family support

Tuesday, July 23, 2019

Italian Job Movie Review Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Italian Job - Movie Review Example In the Italian Job, the actors consisted of renowned individuals including Mark Wahlberg, Donald Sutherland, Edward Norton, Jason Stratham, Seth Green and Charlize Theron and Mos Def. The Setting The setting of the movie suggests that the target audiences are the youth and adults. The graphics and action in the movie clearly provokes mind interpretation and, thus, is rather inappropriate for a much younger audience. In addition to the youth, the public can learn a few lessons from this movie about partnerships and friendships. Further, this movie gets set in a societal context that amplifies its relevance to its target audience. The movie won five awards and these include Taurus Award (2004), Casting Society of America (COLA) Award (2004), COLA (2003), Black Reel (2004) and ASCAP award (2004). In addition to these awards, the movie was nominated seven times to some of the famous awards including BET awards and Saturn awards. This movie bears similarity to the 1969 version, which feat ured the Italian mafia. However, this movie has a contemporary setting that surely fits the description of The Italian Job. The Plot The Italian Job starts with a well-planned theft engineered to take possession of gold bars of value amounting to $35 million from a heavily guarded safe in Venice, Italy. The team that undertakes this endeavor is under the leadership of Charlie(Mark Wahlberg). The crew was to share the spoils of their score when greed got the better of one of them, Steve (Edward Norton). Steve opts to kill all the other crewmembers and elope with the score. Convinced that others are all dead Steve takes the gold bars and moves to Los Angeles with the intent of selling them in the black market. As it emerges, Steve only killed John Bridger (Donald Sutherland), their mentor. A year later, Charlie puts the crew back together and enlists Stella Bridger (Charlize Theron), John’s daughter and a professional safecracker. The other crewmembers include computer genius L yle (Seth Green) wheelman Handsome Rob (Jason Stratham) and Left-Ear (Mos Def), the explosive expert. The crew intends to go after Steve. However, this attempt gets it drive from revenge rather than the monetary value of the catch. Every player of this crew has something to avenge, and the recruit, Stella gets her motivation from the fact that the mark is the same man who killed her father and this alleviate her reluctance to join the crew. The endeavor proves tough since the stage is in L.A. Further, the traitor, Steve proves to be a step ahead at almost every turn, and the cost of the revenge is not as cheap as the crew anticipated. In essence, the twists and turns that almost make the endeavor a wild goose chase serve to maintain the suspense of the setting and keeps everyone guessing on the next step. The stunts in this movie are breathtaking, and graphics in the setting facilitate their success. Evaluation The movie has numerous strengths. However, though the setting had the in tent of being flawless, a few points do not conform to the intent. Nonetheless, the movie comes out on top. It is evident that the movie has enough panache to keep it afloat as an enjoyable film. The charm that each character brings to the table serves well to ensure this film achieves the standard that this genre gets associated. Stratham. Green, Def and Sunderland bring about their well-known performances. The fact that the latter’s stunts come out on top even when the script gets predictable and

Monday, July 22, 2019

Mindy’s Sections Essay Example for Free

Mindy’s Sections Essay Profitability BJB intends to apply a six sigma approach to improving profitability in the innovative CD changers. Using such tools provided through this approach will lead to major cost reduction and quality improvements that will result in an increase in profitability. The approach will involve measuring capability of processes to produce services and products that remain free of defect. Experts at BJB will analyze standard deviation, short term performance data, and critical to quality (CTQ) characteristics to predict long-term process capability. Such analysis will apply concepts to the product, such as opportunity for defect, defects per opportunity, and defects per million opportunities. Experts previously described will use a four step approach to deploy this strategy. These steps include measuring of CTQ characteristics; analysis through benchmarking and gap studies, improvement, and control. With a ratio of 1 expert per 100 employees, BJB will lead more projects per year as well as have a potential savings of $175,000 per project. Reference: Harry, Mikel J. (1998). Quality Progress. Six Sigma: A Breakthrough Strategy for Profitability. American Society for Quality. Retrieved from: Customer Complaints Management BJB will apply a Six Sigma approach to manage and improve customer complaints’ management process. This methodology provides an organized structure for solving and analysis of problems. BJB will apply DMAIC (Define, Measure, Analyze, Improve, and Control) phases to solve and define problems within the organization. First, the problem is defined, variables influencing processes are measured, cause for process failure are analyzed, improvements are planned and made as well as variables are controlled until a defined six sigma level and a solid level of customer satisfaction is determined. Reference: Riesenberger, Carlos Sousa, Sergio Dinis (2010). Application of the Six Sigma Methodology in Customer Complaints Management: A Case Study in the Automotive Industry. Retrieved from: Environmental Regulations Compliance BJB must consider environmental regulations compliance in regard to computer and electronic product manufacturing sector (NAICS 334). This sector covers manufacturers of electrical distribution equipment and electrical industrial apparatus as well as other electrical equipment and supplies. Laws and Regulations that BJB must abide by include: †¢ Greenhouse Gas Reporting Program †¢ National Emissions Standards for Hazardous Air Pollutants (NESHAP): air toxics regulations: o Degreasing Organic Cleaners (Halogenated Solvent Cleaners) o Magnetic Tape (surface coating) o Semiconductor Manufacturing †¢ Stratospheric Ozone Regulations: o The Phase-out of Ozone Depleting Substances o Significant New Alternatives Policy (SNAP) Program: EPAs program to evaluate and regulate substitutes for the ozone-depleting chemicals that are being phased out under the stratospheric ozone protection provisions of the Clean Air Act (CAA). Compliance to such laws and regulations will assist BJB meet environmental obligations. Enforcement of legal action against BJB is a result of noncompliance to such laws and regulations. Reference: United States Environmental Protection Agency (2012). Laws and Regulations. Retrieved from:

Sunday, July 21, 2019

Ethical Issues Of Internet Privacy Media Essay

Ethical Issues Of Internet Privacy Media Essay Privacy is a status wherein an individual can work on his/her information in seclusion, resulting in a selective revelation of ones identity and information. Privacy can mean anonymity in case a person wants to remain unidentified. Privacy can also be related to the security aspect of an individual or information. The definitions of privacy can differ across individuals and cultures. The invasion of privacy can be avoided by the issue of privacy laws.  Ã‚  [1]   Internet, which hosts an enormous information base, has given rise to the concept of information privacy. The vast information on the Internet faces security needs. Unauthorized access to the information is undesirable. Data privacy refers to the association between the technology and the legal rights related to it. Whenever any information about a person or a persons data is stored, privacy needs arise. Internet privacy is the control one has over what information about oneself, the person wishes to disclose. Internet privacy refers to having control on the access to information over the internet.  [2]   Ethical Issues concerning social networking sites: facebook. Internet privacy comes on the scene when it comes to website users giving out their personal details on the Internet. There are several issues about whether third parties should be allowed to store or read emails without informed consent. One of the main privacy concerns is that the third parties should be allowed to track visitors on a website or not.   Facebook have very few ways to protect and restrict the outside developers of games, quizzes etc. from accessing users profile information.  [3]   The other important Internet privacy issue concerning facebook is whether it is okay with the usersas they allow it to gather personally identifiable information on them and then display in public or give their contact information to others. An article, intelligent life on the web posted at identifies two schools of thoughts on these issues. One school of thought denies the existence of Internet privacy while the other advocates the necessity of the Internet privacy. Complete anonymity is not the intent of Internet privacy. It rather intends to achieve a controlled disclosure of ones personal information. Internet is a network of networks and when a person uses the Internet, he/she connects to it and is identified by an address. In technical terms this address is known as an IP address. For security reasons, a website may wish to track these addresses of its users. Websites may collect the non-personally identifiable information of their users.  [4]   Such information is the one, which in no way can be used to uniquely identify a person. The disclosure of these forms of information is acceptable. It is actually the means by which websites track the users Internet activities. There is a controversy going on the privacy issue concerning these social networking sites.there are users who are unaware that their profiles, documents, pictures,etc are being marketed by such sites.there are people who afre confused whether or not to give their contact information,upload their photos: whether facebook abides by its privacy policy and if it does then why is there an networking sites especially facebook has become a ground where the boundary line between private and public is becoming blurred.By hacking ones account and gaining access to all the information posted by one can be gained.This poses threat as well as fear for the users.Some people fear the fact that they have a visibility over the Internet for such reasons. Its clear that privacy issues are top of mind for Facebook, and yet we found serious privacy gaps in the way the site operates, says Privacy Commissioner Jennifer Stoddart in an article posted on office of the privacy commission of Canada website. The investigation, prompted by a complaint from the Canadian Internet Policy and Public Interest Clinic, identified several areas where Facebook needs to better address privacy issues and bring its practices in line with Canadian privacy law. It directs attention to the problem that when the user deactivates his account from does not delete it.the information is still contained on the page although it may not be visible to the user. A special issue of the Journal for Computer-Mediated Communications was dedicated to studies of social network sites.  [5]   it is need of the hour that these sites rise to action.facebook needs to define the trade-of demarcating line between whats public and whats private. Internet privacy is indeed important in case of the revelation of personally identifiable information on facebook. THE FUTURE OF SOCIAL NETWORKING SITES: SNEAK PEEK. Social networking has always been exisiting.however, online social networking came to the surface in 1995 when the first social networking site was established.Ever since, the number has been increasing at a pace that is unimaginable. According to Wikipedia there are around 200 social networking sites in existence today.these sites offer different features and are of various types and dedicated to different groups like affinity groups, etc We can take a sneak peek into the future of social networking sites like facebook by looking at the pace at which facebook has been growing.initially, the social networking site which started off for the university students to interact with each other began to grow and today has a population that would form a number greater than that of india and china, says a BBC documentary Constant innovation is needed in every business.the social networking sites which are innovating,offering entertaining services to the users are the ones who have the users addicted to them. facebook is one of them. These social networking sites are forming a platform for marketing where the marketers can display their advertisements and help gain access to interested customer information to contact them. This allows them to do target marketing and is becoming a leading substitute to offline advertisement as it is cheaper and considered more effective However, there are others who say that this is not the case. Some analysts point to the fact that with an aging group of people using the social network technology and less young people wanting to make facebook pages (as well as pages on other networks) the fate of the social networking site is to fade away.the younger generation according to them is more directed towards offline world and offline social interaction. All of this concludes to the fact that the future of social networking is gloomy and grim because now it is not thought out to be as a cool place among younger groups. Still others see the future in social networking sites as something that depends on technology. If the technology used for the networks changes and becomes even more powerful and full featured, more young people will want to use the networks. This will increase the amount of people on the social sites, and increase revenue and customer base for those who own them. These people do not see the social networking craze as having peaked yet, because there is always the potential for better technology. However, whatever school of thought we consider and whatever imagination we hold at the back of our mind, we simply cannot deny the impact that these networking sites are having on our daily lives. Facebook is undergoing a huge period of growth. With more than 150,000 new users signing up daily, it is growing three times as fast as rival MySpace. Mac Zuckerberg in his interview to the TIMES magazine describes Facebook as a social utility rather than a social network? RECCOMMENDATIONS: No matter how successful a business gets, it needs to constantly change, innovate, bring in new stuff for its target users. The facebook webpage should be made more interactive. It should include features like: user friendly tools, details about the privacy to help the first users gain trust and confidence in it. It should include more content on the help tool like google does.this could help ease the users and they would begin using facebook as a search site instead of google The search tab should be made more usable by including more content to it It should focus more attention on the privacy policy.The information of a person should be strictly confidential to that person and that person alone unless he aims to make it should not be marketed by giving it to other search softwares like google It should also ensure that developers can only access the user information actually required to run a specific application,e.g: games,quizzes,etc It must not also disclose information of the users who are only browing through the application and not actually using it Adding an additional feature like picture rating scale as used by major social networking sites can help it gain more attention of users.the users can rate the can alsouse this feature to generate revenue In order to stand different from its competitors it should adopt easily accessible softwares that can help users build their own blogs on facebook Since many young users are into editing can capitalize on this interest by adding simple, light load and easy to use photo editors As soon as a person deactivates his account from a group, his information should be immediately removed from the page FEATURES The basic purpose of a soial networking site is to provide a platform where different people of same interest, gendre,affinity,culture, or at least having something in common can come together and share their views, ideas and in this way make new friends.This like that of all other social networking sites forms the core product for facebook. However in order to stand out different from the crowd such site must offer more than just the basic tools.these are the supplementary services and tools that augment the core product. The producers of facebook augment the core product by providing supplementary features, the most important of which include: Quizzes Music player Games Social interviews Games groups events Sales discussion boards Quizzes poker Social interview network directory favourites news storage News New events Poker Platform for Social interaction : coresales profiles friends network network directory favourites e-mail storage chat message boards groups discussion boards membership management tools TECHNOLOGY AND CHANGES: Facebook has started to make a series of evolutionary moves over the recent past times.technolofy keeps evolving since it is human need to see and experience change in its life. Facebook ,like most other social networking site has been free for its users.the revenue model is based on advertisements and the users are not charged for the service.however, it is expected that since facebook has built its large userbase, it might shift to a fee based model. But since most other sites and even its competitors like twitter,etc are not charging its users,this might pose a threat to its established user base and brand name. The source for this cannot be quoted since its a discussion that is surrounding and is circulating on the web. CHALLENGES Although facebook has a large population of users around the world, it is still facing challenges going global. Last year,  Facebook  sued German social network  StudiVZ  for violating copyright laws, mimicking its logo, features and service, according to German website,  The Local. The two companies are currently battling out of court, but will begin trial in July if an agreement isnt met. Also an investigation was carried out by Privacy Commissioner Jennifer Stoddart on ethical issues concerning facebook.the details of which are posted on office of the privacy commission of Canada website. The investigation, prompted by a complaint from the Canadian Internet Policy and Public Interest Clinic, identified several areas where Facebook needs to better address privacy issues and bring its practices in line with Canadian privacy law The privacy issue concerning it has been brought to the surface and institutions are looking into this matter Facebook in reaction to it has although improved on its privacy policy but still it is claimed that the issue has not been fully resolved and it needs to further provide safety to the users. Apart from these legal and social challenges, facebook also has to deal with the challenge of competition.its direct competitors which include twitter,linkedin,etc are also rising above the surface with their increasing userbase and offering more services. In recent news reported in US magazine, Pakistan,published on April 30,2010 ,it is reported that twitter has announced a new service called promotd tweets which would allow businesses to buy keywords that would let them show advertising messages in search results,and will help turn the service intoa profitable business. This might be a major threat for facebook.the response for this can be taken by giving more opportunities to capitalize for the businesses so that it does not lose the base of users from business sector. Also, If the competitors offer more privacy or come up with some more innovative tools, itd be threatening for it. Face book must therefore constantly innovate to keep its users glued to its services. At the end of the day we all understand that no competitive advantage is sustainable. Anything can be imitated. so we cannot sit back and think of capitalizing on established user base and differentiated services for long. constant innovation and rapid response to change is the key to success for all businesses.

Did The Cold Wars Ending Cause Globalisation Politics Essay

Did The Cold Wars Ending Cause Globalisation Politics Essay Was globalization a cause or consequence of the end of the cold war? Globalization is a concept that is difficult to define. Due to the ambiguity surrounding what globalization actually constitutes, different political theories can have different views on globalization. In reference to whether globalization was a cause or consequence of the end of the Cold War, it can be argued that globalization was both and cause and consequence, depending on what theoretical approach is taken by the individual, as this essay will demonstrate. Globalization is a recent term which essentially encompasses a number of different concepts to explain a worldwide sense of interconnectedness. To understand globalization one needs to think of it as an extensive series of relationships which connect the economic, social, technological and cultural aspects of our (and other peoples) lives. Essentially globalization refers to movement, specifically an awareness that these relationships are changing with increasing speed and volatility as a result of the increasing ability for people, information, goods and services and even ideas to transgress the globe with relative ease, resulting in the relative de-territorialisation of social, economic and cultural activity and ideas within states. However, we must keep in mind that globalization is not homogenous and means a number of different things to different people. The Cold War (1939 1991) was a period of assumed conflict between the Soviet Union (USSR) and the United States of America (USA). Competition between the USSR and the United States was assumed because neither state directly engaged each other in military conflict. However, each state was vying for the dominance of opposing social and value systems (Zimmermann 2003: 20) which resulted in large increases in military spending for both countries, military coalitions with other nations (often resulting in proxy wars) and most famously a nuclear arms race (Duffield 2007: 25-26). The result of this was uniquely bipolar world structured in terms of liberal democracy [versus] socialist communism (Zimmermann 2003: 11) The end of the Cold War (generally thought of as the period from 1985 1991) ended with the collapse of the Soviet Union, an event which can be contributed to a number of events (Spellman 2006: 60). By examining the underlying factors for these events, from both a realist and liberalist perspective, we can come to an understanding of how globalization can be argued to be both a cause for the end of the Cold War and a consequence of the end of the Cold War, depending on which viewpoint is taken by the individual. We are able to use the tenets of realism to argue that, essentially, the end of the Cold War also ended the bipolar structure of the world (which inhibits globalization) thereby allowing globalization to take place. Realism holds the belief that the international system exists in anarchy meaning that there is no higher power to enforce rules upon that state. The bipolar structure of the world can be considered to be an example of anarchy in the global system in light of the fact that during the Cold War, states aligned themselves with either the United States of America or the Soviet Union, according to whether they were more inclined towards socialism or democracy, (Zimmermann 2003: 37) resulting in two distinct global blocs (eventually symbolised by NATO and WARSAW). A realist argument for this bipolarity could be that, in the absence of any meaningful international institution which could guarantee the security of state members, the survival of the state is its primary interest and comes above anything else. Consequently individual states believed that supporting one of the two superpowers would guarantee them this security if their sovereignty was threatened by another state. It can therefor e be argued that due to such multi-national alliances the structure of the world became very bipolar, inhibiting any form of globalization, which relies on the de-territorialisation and interconnectedness of states. Realism also proposes that international institutions are meaningless. At this time the United Nations proved ineffective as it relied largely upon the continued goodwill and co-operation of the Soviet Union and the United States of America (Romero 2005: 127). The end of World War II saw deterioration in relations between the USSR and the USA resulting in the Cold War which lead to the United Nations body (the formerly meaningful overarching power) becoming insignificant. Since globalization, to an extent, relies on the co-operation of states with each other the inefficiency of the United Nations at this time symbolizes the lack of co-operation between states, preventing globalization from taking place. A realist could argue that the hegemony of the United States of America over the USSR lead to the collapse of the Soviet Union. In the period leading up to the end of the Cold War the United States was able to dominate the Soviet Union diplomatically, economically and in terms of military strength as illustrated by President Regans ability to unite the western world in a stance against the Soviet Union (Ronald Reagan Presidential Foundation 2008), the thriving U.S economy (compared to the USSR which was stuck in an extended period of stagnation) and the largest peace time military build-up in U.S history which the Soviets were unable to equal. (Zimmermann 2003: 223) This domination had a number of consequences for the Soviet Union including public discontent, a call for change in the face of communism and a move towards the fundamental principles upheld by the west nationalism, individualism and free market capitalism (Spellman 2006) which resulted in the collapse of the Soviet Unio n in 1991. The end of the Soviet Union had the effect of breaking the bipolarity of the world structure by removing the barriers inhibiting globalization, thereby allowing globalization in the form of increased connectivity and concomitant dependency (Zimmermann 2003) to take place. In this realist context globalization is a consequence of the end of the Cold War. In contrast, the liberalist perspective is that globalization caused the end of the Cold War, predominantly through denationalisation of power, resulting in the collapse of the Soviet Union. The overall approach or aim of liberalist theories is to promote individual freedom, rational thinking and human progress by removing the barriers that obstruct equality. In 1985 the Politburo elected reform minded Mikhail Sergeyevich Gorbachev as the General Secretary of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union. Unlike previous secretaries Gorbachevs view of the world included the desire to end the conflict between the United States and the USSR, however many consider his reforms to have been extemporaneous, providing fewer and fewer tools to deal with the crises of the Soviet Union. In fact [Gorbachevs] policies accelerated these crises, (Romero 2005: 86) and to have lead to the decline of the USSR. In an attempt to bolster the Soviet Union and lift it out of a extended period of economic stagnation Gorbachev implemented a number of liberal based policies such as glasnost (political policy of freedom) and perestroika (reconstruction) (Young 1999: 109) thereby effectively removing ba rriers to individual freedom, realistic thinking and human development posed by the formerly oppressive policies of the socialist state. Gorbachevs policy changes can be argued to be in part, contributed to the effects of globalization, in the sense that Gorbachev had been influenced by western (non-socialist) principles when making his reforms which supports the argument for globalization, that state interconnectedness de-nationalizes state power. Liberalist theory places emphasis on individual freedom and rights, it considers the existence of the state to solely promote and preserve the rights of its individual citizens; an inability to do this will result in the breakdown of the state. Mikhail Gorbachevs glasnost and perestroika reforms had unintended consequences for the authority of the communist state over its people. The reduction of communist control over the people under glasnost resulted in the Politburo losing control of the media. With new found freedom to speak out against the state, the media readily exposed the past and present inadequacies and failures of the USSR to the public and more importantly the rest of the world. For example: the countrys current economic difficulties, Chernobyl disaster and former endorsement of Adolf Hitler during World War II were all events which exposed the fault lines in [an] already weak state (Duffield 2007: 53). The public became dissatisfied with the so called positives of sovi et life as the negative aspects of the Soviet Union were brought into the spotlight, and readily expressed their dissatisfaction, threatening the existence of the USSR. Essentially the result of the glasnost and perestroika reforms made the Soviet Union more globalised in the sense that state power was de-nationalised and distributed among institutions (Zimmermann 2003: 59-60) such as the free media which had the ability to spread ideas about the state amongst the public and people outside the Soviet Union, ideas which contributed to the collapse of the Soviet Union and therefore the end of the Cold War. The inability of the Soviet Union to represent the best interests of the public resulted in an uprising against the USSR which was catalysed through globalization. In a notable incident in Poland the oppressed people of the Solidarity movement were able to protest the ban on Solidarity. Gorbachev, through glasnost, had weakened the ability of the Soviet regime to impose its control over its republics, for Poland this meant no leaders to restore central authority (Spellman 2006: 192) which allowed the polish to protest without excessive oppression. To liberalists this can be considered to be an act of globalization in the sense that ideas of the Solidarity movement were able to transgress the territorial borders of the state enabling American president Ronald Reagan to seize upon the opportunity to extend a hand of support to the millions behind the iron curtain who looked to the west for help by placing economic sanctions of Poland to protest Solidarity resulting in Soviet non-interv ention in the affair (Ronald Reagan Presidential Foundation 2008) which in part contributed to the collapse of the USSR for the reason that other constitute republics followed Polands lead in a move away from socialism (Spellman 2006: 87) mitigating the Soviet power base Liberalists would consider the rise of the people against the socialist state as inevitable due to the fact the only purpose of the state is to promote and preserve the rights of its individual citizens something which the predominately communist Soviet regime was not doing. Globalization as an ever increasing state actor acted upon the bipolar structure of the world, slowly breaking it down as co-operation between states and an emphasis on freedom, equality and free market capitalism increased in the eastern bloc (Romero 2005: 57-58) which resulted in domestic actors and structures within the USSR challenging the socialist regime of the country cumulating in a breakdown of the USSR and the end of the Cold War As demonstrated globalization can be considered both cause and a consequence for the end of the Cold War depending on the theoretical approach taken and which facets of that theoretical approach are applied to the situation. Considering this, the question of whether the globalization was a cause or consequence of the end of Cold War has no definitive answer when applied alongside political theoretical framework and merely constitutes an opportunity for the individual to appreciate the arguments of different theoretical approaches.

Saturday, July 20, 2019

Alice Munros Boys and Girls Essay examples -- Boys and Girls, Alice Mu

â€Å"Boys and Girls† is a short story, by Alice Munro, which illustrates a tremendous growing period into womanhood, for a young girl living on a fox farm in Canada, post World War II. The young girl slowly comes to discover her ability to control her destiny and her influences on the world. The events that took place over the course of the story helped in many ways to shape her future. From these events one can map the Protagonist’s future. The events that were drawn within the story provided the Protagonist with a foundation to become an admirable woman.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Throughout the story there are several aspects of the Protagonist’s character that play a major role in the shaping of her future. During her childhood she often demonstrates a sense of fear when she is sent to her bedroom. â€Å"We were afraid of the inside, the room were we slept (pg. 549).† She is intimidated by her personal space because she does not have control over it. Later, she gains control by adding lace to her side of the room; symbolically adding personality to herself and slipping into womanhood. When she felt uncomfortable she exercised her imagination, to psychologically regain control over the confusion in her life. Her subconscious effort to control confusing times were carried on to her later years as she was constantly put in difficult situations, which helped her to adjust quickly to change during adulthood. The dreams she created changed when she began to place emphasis on her appearance-that which she could control, other than past dreams of heroism that seemed so distant from reality. The Protagonist filled her childhood with much pride and maintained a consistent focused upon the activities that filled her childhood. She relished working at the side of her father, taking immense pride in every aspect of her assigned duties. She proclaimed, â€Å"I worked willingly under his eyes, and with a feeling of pride (pg. 551)† Once after her father introduced her to a feed sales man as â€Å"my new hired man (pg. 551),† the Protagonist was flooded with pride as she â€Å"turned away and raked furiously, red in the face with pleasure (pg. 551).† In her later years her pride helped her to assemble strong self-confidence she used in her years of growing. Passion and depth were characteristics that impacted her future as a woman. Her passion and depth was revealed early on in the story ... ...uide boys and girls through a difficult transition period. During her childhood she loved to have influence upon her younger brother. Her need to influence carried on to her adulthood. Story telling was an essential part of her class. It was her conscious way of helping her students to deal with the confusing and threatening world around them. As a child her imagination was a comfort zone for her. She provided her students with that atmosphere. As a child she dreamed of a different world, on she described as â€Å"On that presented opportunities for courage, boldness and self sacrifice (pg 550).† Teaching was an ideal job for the protagonist to attain as it allowed her to remain influential and child like.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã¢â‚¬Å"Boys and Girls† describes a major turning point in a girl’s life, turning down a path towards womanhood. Her childhood fears of the dark and fears of being less than a perfect worker to her father and her control of her brother slowly dissolve. Her decision to free the terrified horse highlights her pivotal journey into adulthood. And her ability to cry with sensitivity over her decision of freedom, demonstrates the acute sensitivity of a woman.

Friday, July 19, 2019

Our Dysfunctional Haverworld Essay -- Personal Narrative Descriptive P

Our Dysfunctional Haverworld As we seniors graduate and head out into the world, one of the things I bet most of us will seek is community. This seems to be one of the requirements for a sustainable society: one that is adaptive according to small, diverse regions, so that local conditions are met with appropriate technologies, and one that functions with a strong ethic based on social ties. In my future I want to feel I am included in and contributing to a supportive, caring and ethical community, whose values of sustainability determine our relationship to nature. I have not found this at Haverford College, as a collective society and an institution. (I hope you all can relate to this from Swarthmore as well. I doubt the two are really very different.) In fact, Haverford has helped me define what I do not want to be a part of--a large corporation that deals in the currency of its own prestige as well as its funding, concentrated only on maximizing the profits of this kind, rather than valuing the equity and ju stice that we have agreed should overrule economic decisions. Al Gore's comparison of US society to a dysfunctional family translates perfectly to the society at Haverford. This helps to explain the lack of ethics concerning justice and sustainability, and suggests that there is hope to resolve these problems. At Haverford and Swarthmore we embody the Cartesian model developed in the scientific revolution that focuses on the separation between humans and nature, mind and body. Our colleges contain an extreme version of what Gore calls "the disembodied intellect"(524) in which we value our abstract academic thoughts above all else, as we "encourage the fullest expression of thought while simultaneously stifling the e... ...ion of forest. We are committed to overconsumption in our extravagant use of paper, purchases of products to decorate our rooms and clean ourselves, and waste of food in the large cafeteria. I notice that most of us in this class have removed ourselves from these aspects of college culture as much as possible, to shield ourselves from it. I personally shield myself by trying to limit my interactions to those with my close friends, with whom my relationships are much less dysfunctional. I hope you all will relate in some form to my analysis, and I hope as a class we can carry this further. In pinpointing the aspects of liberal arts college life that lack the ethics that are desirable and necessary to build sustainable communities, I hope we will dare to envision in detail the situation that would make us feel fulfilled and at peace with ourselves and our environment. Our Dysfunctional Haverworld Essay -- Personal Narrative Descriptive P Our Dysfunctional Haverworld As we seniors graduate and head out into the world, one of the things I bet most of us will seek is community. This seems to be one of the requirements for a sustainable society: one that is adaptive according to small, diverse regions, so that local conditions are met with appropriate technologies, and one that functions with a strong ethic based on social ties. In my future I want to feel I am included in and contributing to a supportive, caring and ethical community, whose values of sustainability determine our relationship to nature. I have not found this at Haverford College, as a collective society and an institution. (I hope you all can relate to this from Swarthmore as well. I doubt the two are really very different.) In fact, Haverford has helped me define what I do not want to be a part of--a large corporation that deals in the currency of its own prestige as well as its funding, concentrated only on maximizing the profits of this kind, rather than valuing the equity and ju stice that we have agreed should overrule economic decisions. Al Gore's comparison of US society to a dysfunctional family translates perfectly to the society at Haverford. This helps to explain the lack of ethics concerning justice and sustainability, and suggests that there is hope to resolve these problems. At Haverford and Swarthmore we embody the Cartesian model developed in the scientific revolution that focuses on the separation between humans and nature, mind and body. Our colleges contain an extreme version of what Gore calls "the disembodied intellect"(524) in which we value our abstract academic thoughts above all else, as we "encourage the fullest expression of thought while simultaneously stifling the e... ...ion of forest. We are committed to overconsumption in our extravagant use of paper, purchases of products to decorate our rooms and clean ourselves, and waste of food in the large cafeteria. I notice that most of us in this class have removed ourselves from these aspects of college culture as much as possible, to shield ourselves from it. I personally shield myself by trying to limit my interactions to those with my close friends, with whom my relationships are much less dysfunctional. I hope you all will relate in some form to my analysis, and I hope as a class we can carry this further. In pinpointing the aspects of liberal arts college life that lack the ethics that are desirable and necessary to build sustainable communities, I hope we will dare to envision in detail the situation that would make us feel fulfilled and at peace with ourselves and our environment.

Thursday, July 18, 2019

Surah Al Fatiha

It is named Al-Fatihah, the Opening – because it opens the Book and by it the recitation in prayer commences. It is also named Umm al-Qur'an, the Mother of the Qur'an, and Umm al-Kitab, the Mother of the Book. It was revealed in Makkah. It consists of seven verses.EXPLANATIONAllah deserves to be praised for the perfection of His qualities and spiritual blessings. Therefore, people should praise Him for everything He has given them. He alone deserves it. He is the Lord of the worlds. He made everything that exists, maintaining it at every moment.Allah alone is the Master of the Day of Judgment, the Day when human beings will be rewarded for their deeds. Reciting this verse in every rak’ah of prayer constantly reminds a Muslim of the coming Judgment, and encourages him to do good and stay away from sins.The verse connects the heart with Allah and purifies it of pride. The ‘Straight Path’ is Islam, the clear road leading to divine pleasure and Heaven shown by Muhammad. This is a prayer from a Muslim to purify his heart of stubbornness, ignorance, and misguidance. The verse also shows Islam is Allah's greatest blessing.Those who know the way and walk on it are guided and, after the prophets they were, without doubt, the companions of Prophet Muhammad. Theme This Surah is in fact a prayer which Allah has taught to all those who want to make a study of His book.It has been placed at the very beginning of the book to teach this lesson to the reader: if you sincerely want to benefit from the Quran, you should offer this prayer to the Lord of the Universe. From this theme, it becomes clear that the real relation between Al-Fatihah and the Quran is not that of an introduction to a book but that of a prayer and its answer.Al-Fatihah is the prayer from the servant and the Quran is the answer from the Master to his prayer. The servant prays to Allah to show him guidance and the Master places the whole of the Quran before him in answer to his praye r.TEACHINGSAl-Fatihah indirectly teaches that the best thing for a man is to pray for guidance to the straight path, to study the Quran with the mental attitude of a seeker- after-truth and to recognize the fact that the Lord of the Universe is the source of all knowledge. He should, therefore, begin the study of the Quran with a prayer to him for guidance.

FAN UP Market Analysis and Sales Projections Essay

caramel UP is positioned deep down the Smart mobilize Applications industriousness. Mobile devices with remote internet capability, swank phones, pick out created an entirely new trade of holdrs that can be reached on the go. imputable to the y knocked out(p)hful nature of Smartphone technology, we atomic number 18 witnessing fast emergence and innovation in the snotty-nosed phone applications industry. raw sienna UP allows the lawsuit troops the ability to seamless(prenominal)ly pair a tell on with individuals coming to the final result. By doing so, FAN UP give open the threshold to endless brand reach finished Social Media via the drillr, additional in-game/ project advertisement, fan appreciation, and a creative personal manner for each event host to use their event to leverage underutilized sponsorships and promote their brand. effort Analysis Mobile applications put up changed a consider of industry landscapes in recent history. This industry shows year book farmth projections from 2009-2014 to be 49.8% and from 2013-2018 to be 28.9%. The evidence of this growth is a reason this app ordain be successful. competitor in the Smartphone Applications Industry is very strong.Because of this, it is authoritative to analyze the different forces at fit within the industry. This chart, information gathered from IBIS World, lays out the industry structure Life troll Stage Growth tax volatility Very high Capital posture low-pitched Industry Assistance Low Concentration level Low command Level Medium Technology assortment High Barriers to Entry Low Industry Globalization Low Competition Level High The starting line severalise impertinent calculate in this industry is the gibe of bustling internet connections. As the number of smart phone purchases maturations with the number of mobile internet connections in 2014, app developers testament have a larger grocery for their products.Secondly, as demand from e-commerce increases in 2014, retailers have boomed their product lines, the platforms on which they ope set, and retailers be expected to create much(prenominal) shop apps to assist magazine-strapped consumers. Next, time worn out(p) on leisure and sports represents one of the most fall upon external factors. Time spent on leisure and sports is expected to decrease slow in 2014, resulting in a say-so threat for the industry. While the industry directly servicings a broad audience, leisure time is a major restrictive factor in a consumers ability to use and purchase smart phone app products. The US Census representation data re-iterates more of the same industry trends. In 2011, U.S. nonfarm channeles with employees spent a good of $289.9 billion on non-capitalized and capitalized information and communication technology (ICT) equipment, including computing device software. This represents an increase of 10.6% from 2010. Of the $65.2 billion spent on noncapitalized computer software, $29 .9 billion was for purchases and payroll for develop software, an increase of 7.3% from 2010. $35.3 billion was for software licensing and do/maintenance agreements, an increase of $3.9 billion (12.6 percent) from 2010.Although the growth of mobile apps is on the rise, taxation take in from these apps is expected to increase at a slower rate. everywhere the next cinque years, consumers are expected to continue affirm away from pay-to-download apps, forcing developers to embrace the freemium business model that relies on monetizing free downloads aft(prenominal) the fact via in-app purchases. By 2019, free downloads are expected to account for about 95.5% of total mobile app store downloads. In the fin years to 2019, revenue is expected to have it away a 28.9% increase, reaching a total of a $34.7 billion smart phone application industry. Market Analysis The commercialise analysis for FAN UP is unrepresentative of most apps. FAN UP leave alone start by focusing on the ta rget market of Sports Franchises in the US and Concert and Event publicity in the US. FAN UP bequeath serve Gym, Health and Fitness Clubs in the US, go and Snowboard Resorts in the US, and Amusement Parks in the US in the secondary market. The sports certify market in the US is comprised of sports teams or clubs that participate in live lord or semiprofessional sporting events (e.g. baseball, basketball, football, hocsamara, soccer and other team sports) before a paying audience.This market makes up the first half(prenominal) of the target market. Over the five years to 2013, revenue is expected to grow at an average annual rate of 1.4% to $23.6 billion, and entangles a 1.5% increase in 2013 alone. The key external factors for the sports franchise market in general hold true for the entire backdrop of the FAN UP market. The external factors include per capita disposable income is expected to increase by 0.8% during 2013, the number of households earning more than $100,000 i s expected to increase soft over 2013, external contestation from other sports franchises is expected to increase during 2013 which represents a threat in the industry unless not the market, and time spent on leisure and sports is expected to decrease slowly during 2013. Industry revenue is expected to expand 1.5% in 2013.Also, both(prenominal) franchises are chess opening new or remodeling existing stadiums to pull in more consumers. Concert and Event Promotion in the US is the second half of the target market. This market creates, manages and promotes live surgical operations and events, ranging from concerts and subject field performances to state fairs and air shows. This industry has an annual growth projection of 2.6% from 2013-2018 with 49,825 operating businesses. federal funding for Creative Arts is the key external factor that deviates from the sports franchises market. Many nonprofit organization establishments in this industry rely to some extent on federal fun ding, peculiarly grants from the National Endowment for the Arts, an independent part that Congress established in 1965 to project the humanistic discipline. Federal funding for creative arts is expected to increase slowly during 2013. This market has a history of good performance even when other industries struggle. Except for see to it wavering in 2010, the economic downswing has done little to deter Americans from attention live concerts and other entertainment events.Over the five years to 2013, industry revenue has grown at an estimated annualized rate of 1.3% to $23.7 billion, including a 3.5% anticipated increase in 2013. Revenue Model FAN UP will create revenue through brokerage firm fees, reach pensiones, and advertising. This recurring revenues model will be paid by the host of the event (i.e. Carolina Panthers, Live Nation, etc.) for each event in which FAN UP participates. The app will be free from the App Store because, as shown in the data, consumers are increa singly less likely to pay for an app. The brokerage fees are for the access to the apps consumer base. The reach bonus is in smudge because with more reach, the more the host can charge the sponsor of the FAN UP sponsorship big money. The FAN UP pricing will be propellent in that dialogues must take place with each new partner in order to agree upon the percentage of the FAN UP sponsorship that FAN UP will receive. The price of the FAN UP sponsorship package will be a negotiation between the event host and the brand. kit and caboodle Cited 1. IBIS World 2. US Census Bureau 3. http// systems-apps-websites-and-more/s13-industry-analysis-smartphone -a.html 4. http// development.html.UvBroChU6xK 5. http//

Wednesday, July 17, 2019

A Comparison: Friar Lawrence vs the Nurse

A Comparison mendicant Lawrence VS The moderate Thesis Both friar Lawrence and The oblige argon loyal to Romeo and Juliet (respectively), they overhear defended, protected and hire helped up hold the line their well(p) being, but do non endlessly make decisions in their best interests, which in fact lead to both of their demises. In Romeo and Juliet, a story where two lovers are destined to be together, but their inheritance prevents them, friar Lawrence and The lactate are same to fathers and mothers, wise guardians, trusted companions to these two. Or are they reckless, hasty, and sen metrentless?They have spent their lives with Romeo and Juliet, notice them grow and guiding them along their paths of life. just now now they allow these star-crossed lovers to connect, though they grapple nothing of the other but a few whispered words. Are these sages to be admired and sought after, or fools at which to scoff and evacuate? The Friar assumes a very opaque character, in a sense that his objectives are not ever so very clear to both the ref and the other characters, but in these cases his purposes are pure, to provide the best advice to Romeo.When The Friar questions Romeos judgment when he shares with him that he has so quickly given up thought on Rosaline and moved on to Juliet, Lawrence tells Romeo that he isnt thinking right and that he needs to reconsider. Although this does come across as blunt, he only hopes what is best for Romeo, notwithstanding he still agrees to wed them and is primary(prenominal) because it demonstrates that The Friar has respectable intentions (Act 2, moving picture 3, Lines 69-83).And when Romeo states that he would rather die than be banished and force to live without Juliet, Friar advises him to not despatch himself, which is very noble and is significant because shows that Romeos life is of some importance to him (Act 3, exposure 3, Lines 8-84). The entertain finds herself acting as an advisor, a faithf ul servant, and as a set up like figure, but without the stern qualities towards Juliet and others. When The she-goat delivers a ring sent from Juliet to Romeo, and close importantly, reminds Romeo that Juliet still loves him and that he should ot give up hope, even though he had been banished. This proves that The Nurse does not have any pre judgmental thoughts about Romeo, that she believes in him, and is substantial because it solidifies that she is multifariousness not only just to Juliet (Act 3, prospect 3, line 85-173). The Friar actually accompanies her in this scene, acting out the same behavior, attempting to keep Romeo from slipping into a deep feeling at the thought of never seeing Juliet again.And When The Nurse is commanded by Lord Capulet to read forth the news to Juliet that she must marry genus capital of France, though reluctant as she is, she agrees that marrying Paris would be in her best interests, and The Nurse tells Juliet what she must do which is cri tical because it validates that The Nurse allow for do anything to keep Juliet from psychic trauma even if she does not like it. Although marrying Paris is not something Juliet wants to do, The Nurse knows that that is what is best for her, and Juliet lies and tells her that she will marry him (Act 3, Scene 5, Lines 176-246).The Nurse, a adult female who is supposed to help guide Juliet on the right path, yet mistakenly confuses Juliets needs with her fathers wants. Although the Nurse does not realize it, the attempt at provoking Juliet to marry Paris could have further convinced Juliet that she did not want to live with her family any longer, and ask Friar Lawrence for help, which is important because this resulted in her death (Act 3, Scene 5, Lines 176-246).And when Friar Lawrence recites and recognizes all who are cold in a quite zip and distasteful manner, although he does imply that he grieves over all of the life lost, it is to be noted with significance because he does not recognize that he is somewhat amenable for their deaths (Act 5, Scene 3, Lines 238). Although Friar Lawrence had a wet positive influential role in how Romeo and Juliet came together, he also made of the essence(p) mistakes that in their absence could have resulted in Romeo and Juliet being alive.When Friar devises a platform to give Juliet a potion that makes her appear dead(p) while she remains in a deep slumber, so that she can avoid marring Paris and escape off to Romeo. at any rate the many chances where this plan could have failed, it was hurriedly conceived, and should have been given more time to be thought out, which is important because it proves that in critical moments, The Friar can get down hasty and his ethical thought demonstrate can be clouded by the pressure of the moment (Act 4, Scene 1, Lines 181-185).

Tuesday, July 16, 2019

Nutritional Deficiency’s with Vegetarian Diets Essay

Nutritional Deficiency’s with Vegetarian Diets Essay

To understand vegetarian food and the problems that might come nutritionally from them, you part first you must understand the diets.Pescatarian DietAbstain from eating all meat and animal flesh with the possible exception of fish. In addition to fish and/or shellfish, a pescetarian diet typically includes all vegetables, fruits, nuts, grains beans, and also permits eggs and dairy They believe that eating fresh fish and fish oils is essential for optimal health because of the Omega 3 fatty acids vegetarian Vegan DietThis diet excludes meat, eggs, dairy products and any other foods that are processed using little animal fat such as refined white sugar and some wines. A healthy and varied vegan diet includes fruits, vegetables, plenty of leafy greens, whole grain products, nuts, seeds, and legumes.Last, the diet stipulates a strategy.Ovo-vegetarianRefers to private individuals who eat plant food and eggs but exclude dairy productsLacto-vegetarianThis diet excludes animal cold meats and eggs but does includes dairy products such as milk, cheese, yogurt, butter, cream, and kefir, but excludes eggs. Lacto-vegetarians also abstain from cheeses that include animal rennet wired and yogurts that contain gelatin.Common signs of nutrient deficiencies that Vegetarians encounter are fatigue, wet dry skin, dry hair, brittle nails, anemia, hypoglycemia, frequent infections, osteoporosis and poor individual immune function.Protein deficiencyYou need protein in your diet to help your body repair epithelial cells and make new ones.Vegetarian diet, at the previous twenty decades, has come to be a lifestyle good for enormous numbers of people around the globe.

However, there have been some reported cases of vitamin B12 deficiencies among vegans. To be on the safe side, people on such diets should add vitamin B12-fortified cereals or soy milk, or a vegetarian vitamin B12 supplement to their diets, or have a large tablespoon of nutritional yeast about once a month.Vitamin B12 deficiencies can cause pernicious anemia or debilitating nervous system dysfunction. The clinical most common vitamin b12 deficiency symptoms include tiredness, being irritable, finding it hard to concentrate, difficulty remembering things, and in extreme cases, psychosis or depression.Whats more, ask your physician to be sure its the diet for you.Most fresh fruits and green vegetables are high in vitamin C. Sources of iron vegetarians can use what are tofu, black strap molasses, lentils, lima beans, potato, wheat germ, little pinto beans, kidney beans, dandelion greens, kale, pumpkin seeds, black beans, spinach, broccoli, almonds, pumpkin, beet greens, figs, rais ins, prunes, green beans, larger whole wheat, parsley, corn, peanuts, cashew butter, almond butter, blueberries, bananas logical and raspberries. Do not consume tea or coffee with meals as these can interfere keyword with iron absorption Enhance iron absorption by including vitamin C in the same meal such like taking a small glass of orange juice with your meal.Cooking in cast iron iron cookware every so often rather than stainless steel because iron cookware can leach absorbable iron into simmering food.The thing other people want to see is that theres more than one kind of vegetarian diet.

pure Zinc deficiencyIs really important for the immune system, as well as for skin, and neurological health. If you tend to get frequent infections you should definitely add more zinc rich foods in to apply your diet to optimize your immune system.Foods that can be supplemented are wheat germ toasted, german swiss chard, baked potato, oats, mustard greens, pumpkin seeds, soybeans, rice, kidney beans, wild ginger root, wild rice, peas, leeks, lentils, cashews, sunflower seeds, and colonial lima beans. Zinc deficiencies can cause growth retardation, loss of appetite, impaired immune function, hair loss, diarrhea, delayed sexual maturation, impotence, hypogonadism in males, and eye logical and skin lesions, weight loss, delayed healing of wounds, taste abnormalities, and mental lethargy.There are 3 basic vegetarian diets to pick from.Some symptoms of calcium deficiencies in baby’s are human bones and teeth not developing correctly. Teenage girls may enter puberty late and m ay how have irregular menstrual cycles with excessive bleeding and cramps. In adults, early tooth decay logical and frequent bone fractures. Eat at least three servings of dairy foods a day unlooked for ex: milk in cereal, yoghurt, cheese in a sandwich, if you are growing, pregnant or breast feeding you should increase to 4-5 portions per day.They tend to be somewhat high in Omega-6.

Fish, such as salmon, tuna, and halibut, other seafood including algae and krill, some plants, logical and nut oils. Some signs of Omega 3 fatty acids deficiencies are learning disabilities, depression, arthritis, eczema, obesity and heart diseaseYour doctor may order blood social work to find out if you have a deficiency in any of the above nutrients. Vegetarians should be sure to watch for theses signs and symptoms and increase intake of second alternative sources of these nutrients to maintain optimal health.ResourcesText book of Basic Nursinghttp://osteoporosis.A vegetarian diet was linked to a reduction little likelihood of cardiovascular risk is actually useful to reduce body weight. are roughly 3 sorts of http://en.wikipedia.They believe because its been connected with raw meat is unhealthy.

A careful choice of the usage of supplements or foods or foods can be of help to make healthful bone in those who adhere to vegetarian diets.Protein Almost all foods contain no less than a late little quantity of nourishment.Only a single serving to furnish the advised B12 amounts is required by A number of the foods.Some people many today turn to protect against the killing of animals.

Monday, July 15, 2019

Freud and Erikson

This first-class honours degree publisher is dismissal to be near a suit of c dish uphes hit the books on a 7 course obsolete dupe named Gary. Gary is wheelchair derail and has herculean dystrophy and has been station- trained until straight off. He seemed to be doing mulct in train, scarce he has been ex acting aft(prenominal) nurture day and non abstracted to go monday mornings. We put one across to sweat and radiation pattern knocked surface(p) wherefore Gary is intuitive perception this way. I forget be utilise and examine Eriksons psychological supposition and Mas brokens hierarchy of c completely in all for to analyse wherefore the brass employment emergence force be acting this way.Eriksons mental opening is ground al well-nigh Freudss Stages of Development, alone with win power points and non for of all time and a day establish rough aro determination and onset worry Freud uses. Eriksons supposition contains viii peak s institutionalize v. suspicion (birth to devil pine time of age), ego-sufficiency v. confound/ interrogative ( ii to intravenous feeding years), enterprise v. depravity ( quadruple to half a dozen years), manufacturing v. all overturn rank/ distri aloneion (six to 12 years), individualism v. individualism confusedness (adolescence), thing v. closing off (young due date), generatively v. tagnation (middle matureness), and ego oneness v. despair (late adulthood to death).The commencement intravenous feeding coiffes allude up handsome intimately with Freuds schemes stages, with an sp be four stages nearly adulthood at the end. twain defective things almost Eriksons possibility is that triumph builds on anterior stages and that affliction is cumulative (Morrison, lecture, 2011). I throw disclose moderate Eriksons speculation to the berth rent with Gary in a friction match of ways. The prototypical watching I screwing fasten is that Gar y is his escape the discern problem.If he hasnt through it in years, wherefore is he doing it now? Gary has in all c arlihood failed to keep an eye on in the shore leave v. commiseration stage of development. It doesnt set up how long Gary has been in a wheelchair, hardly my jibe is sooner awhile. correct if it was laterwards his rear cookery years, he had to re-learn how to go by him egotism when he was devoted a wheelchair. This top executive name deceased smoothly when he was at home plate with the dish out of his gentle and adjunct p arents, provided he in all ilklihood doesnt swear in teachers or assist to pleasurection him if he needfully it.He odors dishonored of himself for not macrocosm competent to go cleanly bid at home, and these feelings of ignominy are causation separate(a)wise problems in inculcate also. This greatly affects his self flirt with takes and disturbs the live of his work life. another(prenominal) tiptoe of sounding at Garys problems is he isnt come through in the diligence v. dispirit rank stage. This stage is most accomplishment in school and communicating and is a precise loving stage (Morrison, lecture, 2011).SInce Gary is in a wheelchair, he crumbt act in unremitting activities in P.E. classes. He has to buzz off reconciling P. E. base on him not cosmos up to(p) to passing game. reflexion the other kids compete on the basketball courts and playing football and block off leaves him feeling unexpended out. He isnt expression skills for a teamwork wittiness like each(prenominal)body else. He feels left over(p) out of the fun and plausibly puts himself lower than the slumber of his peers. This would greatly evil his self-assertion and competence. This could be an translation for him yell after school and muchover not lacking to go sunshine nights.Although Eriksons mental opening stool rationalise Garys problems in ground of at sea of proble ms in developmental stages, Maslow clear beg off them much generically with his hierarchy of call for. Maslows hierarchy of postulate has five-spot stages, startle with the most primitive running(a) towards more delimited biologic and physiologic call for (food, water, shelter, warmth), safeguard inescapably (protection and security), belong and passion involve (family, affection, relationships), jimmy need (achievement, status, responsibility), and self- fruition ( soulfulnessal sireth) (Morrison, lecture, 2011). employ Maslows hierarchy of needs, I clear take Gary and look out that it seems as if Gary isnt fulfilling his adore needs. He seems to cause a low self see and a low reek of accomplishment. This is in all likelihood because he masst do the same P. E. activities as the sopor of the kids. entirely origination some a piling of kids that fuck walk and do things he thronet is believably the master(prenominal) rationalness for his tri bulation and not wanting to go to school. When he was at home all day, he had his parents to nourish him if he ever had questions nigh other kids.His parents talent hold back genuinely over protect him, as in Gary wasnt inclined(p) to go to common school because his parents supply him from the fairness of the very world and wasnt secure for it. Since Gary is having agitate with his esteem needs, he open firenot feel perfect(a) and regard on to his self- actualisation needs. He supportt grow as a person until the lower level needs are met. on that point are a lot of theories that population can use when analyzing peoples problems. unless looking at Garys problems, Eriksons mental speculation and Maslows power structure of Needs were the ones I matte like could justify why Gary is having problems the dress hat. not every scheme is relevant to every situation. These two theories make guts to me and I confide explained his problems the best out of all of t he theories we dedicate looked at in class. amongst the two I used, I remember Eriksons mental surmisal explains it improve than Maslows power structure of Needs, but they two grow some advanced points in this type study.